Saturday, March 12, 2011

Lesson in Con Law and Criminal Procedure - Fed's can get tweets from WikiLeaks

Tweets are public information, not protected for privacy by the First Amendment, and there is no Fourth Amendment protection for the internet protocol (IP) addresses because the government is not seeking content related to these addresses, but the addresses themselves.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

How Do I Know What a Passing Score Is?

One of the reader's of this blog asked "How do I know what a passing score is?" as it related to the California bar exam essays and PT's.

Not having passed the California bar exam nor having the experience of regularly convening with a bar grader, I would be hard-pressed to answer this question. However, I do know that there is a service that provides actual California bar exam answers with different scores ranging from low (40 to 50) to high (70 to 80).

By subscribing to this service (see link below), one can determine what is a failing and a passing essay score from actual graded exams.

According to the founder/operator of BarEssays, "the website is now regularly used and recommended by former bar graders-turned tutors and several law schools in preparing their students for the Cal Bar Exam."

Monday, March 7, 2011

Comments from AdaptiBar (This is not an endorsement)

I heard from an Adaptibar representative this morning who reviewed this blog and who advised the following:

AdaptiBar MBE Simulator & Prep Program

AdaptiBar is an entirely online MBE prep program that consists of only 100% licensed questions from the NCBE. The database has just about 1,450 authentic MBE questions in total. AdaptiBar also has adaptive technology that assesses your performance and adjusts the presentation of questions based on your strengths and weaknesses. Other features include detailed subject performance and timing analysis, over 850 online MBE flashcards, and a free mobile app. Two program sessions are offered per year, February and July. One session is priced at $495, less any applicable discounts. Additional information can be found at

The free trial version allows students to view a sample of the MBE program. It consists of mock MBE questions, but is still a great way to see firsthand AdaptiBar’s features and setting options. The version starts you off as if you had previously answered 150 questions so the charts and graphs are not skewed. Registering for the trial version automatically gets you a $50 discount on your enrollment.

MBE Software - Soliciting Your Thoughts

MBE Software Survey

Have you, yourself, used MicroMash, Adaptibar or BarKey software to prepare for the MBE section of any bar exam?  If the answer is yes, please help share your experiences by participating in my survey. (See survey link on the top right sidebar to this blog.)

Summary - MBE Preparation Software

MicroMash MBE software has now been sold and is being marketed under the name MBE Edge.  The price has been reduced from nearly $900.00 to $395.00 plus state sales tax under an introductory price offer. There is also a new trial version with 50 questions in the trial bank.  The trial period is for 30-days.  Software has been upgraded for ease of use and with the full version of MBE Edge, one receives outlines and 500 questions in a printed book.

Adaptibar seems to offer the most flexible trial program, with 150 questions in the bank and a far longer trial period.  The price is $445 per session but usually coupons are available through law schools or repeater forums to lower the price.

BarKey offers a Demo version of their software with limited questions.  BarKey is the lowest priced at $299.00.

All programs use licensed bar questions from NCBE, questions that you can also get on-line from NCBE or through books like "Strategies and Tactics."

I am determined to crack the MBE nut, having cracked the essay and PT writing on the California bar exam. After doing 750 MBE practice questions for the Feb. 2009 bar exam and 2,200 for the July 2010 bar exam, I raised my MBE score by only 3 points.  I also journaled each question that I got wrong with the rule and the "trigger fact." Frustrated with the traditional exam preparation, I need better diagnostic results which is why I am looking into MBE software. That, and the fact that a good friend increased his MBE score from 105 to 139 on the July 2010 bar exam by using MicroMash.

Comments anyone?

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Shit Law Jobs

Given that I was just retained for one of these jobs, I found this blog interesting.  Hey, it helps pay the rent!

Funeral Protests are Protected Speech - Great 1st Amend. Example for Bar Exam

DOMA Questions Coming to a Head in White's Courtroom - Violation of Equal Protection Clause?

From "The Recorder" ...

SAN FRANCISCO — U.S. District Judge Jeffrey White should immediately order the federal government to stop interfering with a Ninth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals employee's effort to get health benefits for her same-sex partner since the Justice Department now acknowledges its actions violate the Equal Protection Clause, the employee's lawyer argued in a filing today.'s%20Courtroom&slreturn=1&hbxlogin=1#