Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Attorney at Blah - The Inside Scoop on Document Review!


flyinglowundertheradar said...

Its totally depressing me that I could be making more money with less stress doing document review.

Change of Venue said...

Having just completed a document review, our team of twelve expected to be working for one firm, to be paid weekly, and to work for 4 to 6 weeks.

Instead, we were informed that we were employees of another firm, we are still unclear as to when we will be paid, and we worked for 6-days. At the end of 6-days, we were informed that the job had ended but may resume next week. We are still waiting for word.

My choice would be to work consistently for similar (or lower) pay, to do lawyerly work, and to have health insurance benefits. But, as I say, document review helps pay the rent - this is my first document review project. The jury is still out, but deliberations are nearly complete.

flyinglowundertheradar said...

I know how much it sucks -- I actually spent my summer before law school doing document review on a big tobacco case. It was the most boring job I've ever had, and I can't imagine doing it full-time. I love what I do, and I feel fortunate that I was able to find a job right after I took the NY bar so I've actually been practicing for almost 11 years, I'd just love to be able to actually pay my student loans. :)