Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Letting Go and Building Up Again

I've been having bad dreams about the bar exam. . .

Immediately after the exam, I played "catch-up" at my contract job, booking 20-hours in 3-days.  And, then another contract job rolled in (and a few more) and I found myself working 40+ hours a week (and billing for less.)

Having moved a few days after my mother died to "camp out" in the East Bay with a friend from law school, the only thing organized was my bar exam material (which was super-organized).  Now, I am pulling things out of storage, and and have reduced four boxes of files down to two, and found a shredding company (who recycles).  I gleefully watched as the last 11-years of my life was sucked up a conveyor belt with utility bills and bank records being ripped into pieces.

I am applying to full-time jobs and contract jobs with a fervor.  And, I advised my supervisor that she'd be receiving a questionnaire from the State bar as part of the moral character update.  A general counsel, she looked shocked and asked, "What's that?"  I confessed to taking the July 2011 bar exam (a fact that not many know.)  She was even more shocked.  I had to explain to this licensed attorney that the state bar investigates ones moral character as part of the licensing process and continues to do so until one is a licensed attorney.  (The person who was most shocked was me that I had to explain this at all!)

The jobs do not fill up my life like they used to.  I am too used to the intense concentration it takes to prepare for a marathon bar exam.  I would rather prepare for another exam, in another jurisdiction for February, then sit in this state again, lady-in-waiting for California's results. . .

But, then, again, where am I going to find the money to do it all again?

And, where, or where, should I take the exam?  I need to make a decision within the next two weeks. . .

Or, should I just dust off my California books, sign up for Multistate Edge, and consider the following... a good defense is a good offense!

My life is still hanging in the balance. . .

I am wondering if I can gather sufficient steam and money to take the exam in February in another jurisdiction. . .

1 comment:

flyinglowundertheradar said...

I guess a lot of it depends on where, other than California, you wouldn't mind living. Tough to have to make that kind of decision in two weeks, but I can understand why you would NOT want to sit for the CA bar another time. I think the bar graders are what make it tough. But you still don't have your results yet, and hopefully you won't have to think about sitting for another exam ever again!