Monday, August 23, 2010


My new study schedule begins this week toward the long path to the Illinois Bar exam.  My plans are as follows:

1. Do 100 MBE's per week, 25 per day for 5-days, with weekends off for good measure.  Journal those MBE's that I got wrong with "trigger facts."

2. Analyze and outline 3 IEE's per week; during the first 4-weeks, I will do this under non-timed conditions, after which I will hand-write the exams under timed conditions (e.g. 30 minutes.)

3. Analyze and outline 4 MEE's per week, during the first 4-weeks, I will do this under non-timed conditions as above.

Purchase 2010 Strategies and Tactics and read each introductory chapter.

Prepare Essay Binders - 1) for the MPT's, 2) for the MEE's, and finally for 3) the IEE's.

After 4-weeks absence from exam preparation, I am already finding a lapse in memory and a need to keep my skills sharp.  I must build a new life of "routine."

At the same time, I am looking for new employment, and studying the "Rules of the Road" to take the Illinois Driver's test and to title my car in this state.  And, beginning a paralegal program next week. . .

I perform better under pressure. . .

And, I am already having dreams about the July 2010 exam results. . .and recalling the crushing blow that I felt when I faced a blank computer screen after the Februrary 2009 bar exam. . .

I miss my study partner. . .

Re-birth is not without pain. . .


flyinglowundertheradar said...

I found your blog while googling things about the CA bar exam, which I'm preparing to take in February, 2011. I'm admitted in three other states, after having studied for the bar exam twice before (took CT & NY the same year)...just curious if you have any tips? I work FT as a public defender so I'm a bit worried about the time I have to study, but I've started early, and hope that my previous bar exam experience will be a benefit!

Change of Venue said...

Hi, Michelle -

I attempted to summarize my tips on the post dated 8/31/10, tips which have been successful for other exam takers, and I hope will be equally successful for me!

California bar takers generally consider the New York bar the 2nd most difficult exam in the U.S. next to California; you obviously have what it takes to pass with flying colors.

I wager that if you follow my tips, these tips will put you on the path to success. Since you are preparing for the exam while working full-time, I would advise beginning your studies now.

Good luck!