Saturday, December 11, 2010

Cameras Installed in UniSex Bathroom & Invasion of Privacy

In studying for the bar exam, I like to bring in real life examples to my studies to help me remember the rules.  This process really works, too, for having gone through my first sobriety check in California, and having researched the constitutional allowances for the same, when it came to the Crim Law/Crim Pro essay on the July 2010 bar exam which involved a pedestrian checkpoint, I was able to call up the rules for sobriety checks and make some modifications.  If it had not been for this real-world experience, I would not have been able to write the essay, for check points were not part of my bar study material.  (By the way, I made it through the check point!)

Now, talk about Invasion of Privacy!  INTRUSION ON SECLUSION!  A bar in Chico, California installed cameras in its unisex bathroom where their customers would have a "reasonable expectation of privacy."
  • Act of prying or intruding upon P’s affairs or seclusion of the P by the D
  • The intrusion must be something that would be objectionable to a reasonable person
  • The intrusion must be about something private to the P

Read all about it via the link below - the news made CNN HLN this morning!

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