Saturday, November 13, 2010

8th Amendment and California Bar Exam

Rather than learning about the nuances of the California bar exam, I am learning about the nuances of Medicare and the infamous "donut hole."  Having headed east, young woman, to dabble in Illinois law, I have also been attending to family matters which include assisting my mother with an analysis of various medicare plans.  Holy Moley!  One needs an Excel spreadsheet and a risk management program to manage these decisions.  This attendance to family matters has been squeezed in between looking for new employment and doing pro bono work for a civil court judge.  Today, while sipping strong coffee, I was perusing blogs, and encountered this blog entry concerning the 8th amendment and a template to deal with it in terms of an essay on the California bar exam.  I like to find these "wild cards" for, in addition to the standard subjects tested on essay exams, one never knows what pitch the examiners will throw the next time.  Last time, the examiners threw out kidnapping in their criminal law/pro exam; I stumbled and then made up a rule.  I don't like to stumble. . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck!
I noted on my Outlook program, tomorrow's the Cal test result day...
PS Yesterday was Pa's birthday; he would have been 90!
-- Amy, Yellowknife (-20C)