Saturday, November 20, 2010

Gnashing of Teeth

It's taken a gnashing of teeth, a few tears, and a numbing disbelief to learn that I have now joined the ranks of a two-time repeater.

So, to my fellow repeaters, now that I've had a glass of brandy and picked myself up off the floor, I'm committed to retrying next July 2011, after I've recouped my considerable financial losses.

And, to those friends, fellow bloggers, and readers of my blog, if you've passed this **** exam, Congratulations!  And, if you did not pass, try, try again.


Anonymous said...

sorry to hear that, i know that you might go through some hard time here, but just as you said, donot give up, never, keep your head up, you can do it.. i see that you plan to do it next july..I know it would be better to do it this coming february when all those laws are still fresh in your might have your thoughts..anyway hang in there and I believe you can make it...

Change of Venue said...

Thank you for your comments. Ah, the problem with doing the exam this comming February is financial. At the rate I am going, I may have to clean houses for a living. . .nothing wrong with that, but not exactly what I dreamed of doing with a J.D. and an M.B.A.

Anonymous said...

You'll do it, keep on keepin' on, and have a great holiday!

flyinglowundertheradar said...

Sorry to hear this, but don't give up!! I had two different friends take five and six times to pass the NY bar -- with any luck that won't happen to you, but don't let this stop you from continuing to move forward.