Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Living Lean

Today, rather than wax poetic as I am want to do (and after having smelled the flowers), it is time to get down to basics. It has been nearly one year since leaving my corporate career. Since then I have written various briefs, motions and complaints -- I have the satisfaction of being instrumental in winning these cases with my research and writing skills. I even sat in court with a Bench/Bar panel and assisted in settling a case, all as a paralegal for a supervising, licensed attorney. But, this position does not pay a living wage, and my legal marketing position pays even less. Today I must again resume the pace in my search for positions as a paralegal. (See Job Search Links on my sidebar.)

By end of month, I am moving from a funky little apartment to a small room in a friend's house which I will be renting. Nearly all of my belongings will be put in storage. My computer, printer, bar exam books, a bookshelf and futon will be coming with me. My lifestyle will be similar to the lifestyle that I lived when I was an undergraduate - I occupied a room in a women's boarding house in a university town. I remember being so poor, at that time, that one week all I ate was oatmeal and cinnammon bread and tea.

In some ways, paring down and beginning again is a freeing experience. Yet, it is also frightening. I am no longer in my 20's and I am wondering when my life will turn a corner, again, along that path that I've chosen. I remain hopeful that it will.

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