Thursday, June 3, 2010

Best Laid Plans

After reviewing the introduction to Strategies and Tactics (latest edition), I now understand that the questions that they use are ACTUAL BAR EXAM questions released by the NCBE in 1998. So, if I use this book (354 practice questions along with the additonal 200 in the simulated bar exam at the back of the book), 150 trial questions in Adaptibar, and 200 on-line questions from the NCBE, I will have practiced 904 actual bar questions, in addition to completing the 2007 Bar Bri MBE's.

What I also realized is that if one's weak point is the MBE's, it would be best to do all of the introductory Bar Bri questions, per subject, and then immediately review Strategies and Tactics, by subject, to learn the fine points about HOW the examiners write the questions, what the distractors are, and how to game the gamers. I feel like I have lost time and am redirecting mid-stream, but with this recent discovery, I can "book time," and refine my schedule for the next 7 weeks before the exam. I'm banking on a more significant improvement in my scores, given this plan.

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